Supporting our Community.
Bailis Downs is a quiet Residential Estate in Johnstown, South East Navan.
Every resident is encouraged to make an active contribution to enhance & maintain our community & environment.
Bailis Downs Orchard
The opportunity to create a small fruit tree orchard on the Bailis Downs main green has received positive feedback from Residents. The project has therefore been approved and the planting of a revised layout will commence shortly.
2021 Grass Fund
Please return your household's Grass Cutting Contribution of €30 in a sealed envelope to either House 19 or 89.
We don't have online banking option with the Credit Union but you can use Revolut to 0868961958 and include 'Bailis Downs' with your House No in the comments.
A Receipt will be issued and returned.
Neighbourhood Watch
New residents are invited to join the FREE scheme to support the Community.